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Neutral Trend TradeMax Deluxe Edition 3.5.20101209

Neutral Trend TradeMax Deluxe Edition Neutral Trend TradeMax Deluxe Edition 3.5.20101209

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Neutral Trend TradeMax Deluxe Edition Publisher's Description

Neutral Trend TradeMax Deluxe Edition is a full featured Vista style trade software specifically designed for active traders and investors to manage their trade data, optimize their gain/loss strategy, and prepare their Schedule D or Mark-to-Market Form(4797).

The new features of TradeMax include
1.) Track your trades: You can setup different investment type accounts among whole family and manage trade data over years. TradeMax tracks and categorizes trade data and security price automatically. You can view all investment accounts in one place.
2.) Comprehensive Corporate Events Module : Recording various corporate events, such as stock splits, stock merge, spinoff and symbol changes
3.) Powerful importing module: TradeMax has pre-defined profiles support most brokers. TradeMax also provides a flexible format reorganization algorithm which allows you to customize your own format.
4.) Intelligent Option Cost Basis Adjustment Function: Auto- detecting Assigned, exercised and expired option, also defers cost to corresponding shares with its Option Adjustment function.
5.) Handle Wash Sales: TradeMax calculates various Wash Sale scenarios, include but are not limited to, Wash Sale between identical securities (stocks and options), Wash Sales on an unequal number of securities and Wash Sales on Same Day Rule.
6.) Simplify tax preparation: TradeMax can assign short trades and calculates Wash Sales automatically. You can generate Capital gains/losses report for Schedule D purpose or export *.txf file to popular tax software such as TaxCut, TurboTax.
7.) Analyze your trading performance: You can analyze your trading performance easily with the help of WashSales Detail Report,Summary Report, Transaction Report and Daily Market Value Report.
8.) Multiple currency Accounting: For active traders who traded in multiple currencies,calculate the cash balance & account value & Portfolio Value.

limited to 1500 total records per report

What's New in Version 3.5.20101209 of Neutral Trend TradeMax Deluxe Edition

Calculate Captial Gain,Wash Sales & Complete Schedule-D

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